Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Xmas

Halle and Louie, South Beach, Port Denison, Western Australia

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Not a creature is stirring at Monkey Mia, except...

Green sea turtle

Baby dolphin being playful

Puck shows off to her audience

Yours truly feeding Puck

A starfish doesn't escape notice

Pelican magic

A monitor comes to see what the fuss is about
It's the day before Christmas at Monkey Mia and all the creatures have come out to play. I hope you all have a wonderful festive season wherever you are and, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.
Merry Christmas/happy holidays,
Renee, Halle and Louie xxx

Monday, December 23, 2013

The season to be jolly

Outback humour

Just when tennis balls thought it was safe to go back to the beach...

Sally and Ruby from Ballarat demonstrate the best doggie playpen ever.
Ellendale Pool near Geraldton stole my heart

Pink reflection at Port Gregory's pink lake

Kalbarri has been one of my favourite destinations so far

I think Louie is an old hand at caravan life now

Halle wants to rescue the buoy at Kalbarri

11 emu chicks drinking at Denham (there were 15 chicks in total!)

Our halfway point in time and distance: Monkey Mia

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When blogger sucks

I've been trying so hard to upload photos and posts to blogger this past week and it won't let me!
Completely frustrating and thumbs down to you Blogger. Get your act together!
We are in gorgeous Kalbarri at the moment, but I can't show you just how lovely it is, boo.
It was with huge relief that we arrived here after enduring 5 days of 40+ degree Celcius temperatures with no adequate shade and only low growing shrub. Now we are on a site with huge tropical trees that create a cave of shade for my little van and car and most importantly, the pooches.
We are across the road from the Murchison River which is lovely and calm and warm to swim in.
We are nearing our halfway point in time and distance which feels a bit surreal but also like a huge achievement. I've towed Elsa 9,000km peeps! Not bad for a first timer .
Hopefully (are you listening Blogger?) I'll be able to post to you over Christmas at our halfway destination.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bad blogger

Oh, I've been such a bad blogger lately.
I haven't taken any photos in over a week. It's hard to juggle two exuberant doggies on their leads, a handbag and a camera all at once, and that's the problem, we've mostly been at places where the dogs have to remain on leads ALL THE TIME.
Coming up to Christmas things are about to get trickier as those few caravan parks that do accept dogs close that window of opportunity until the end of January. We'll be doing a fair bit of 'bush camping' and side of the road camping I think.
Today we're in Port Denison in a luxurious (by my standards) Big4 caravan park. We're right next to Granny's beach, where I found a dead shark yesterday evening, and black crabs eating it's stomach. It was a small one with a camouflage pattern on its tail, I don't know what sort yet. There was also a tiger shark sighting at South Beach, where I walk the dogs in the morning.
Today is a bit cooler than yesterday. The temperature has increased dramatically since we drove north of Perth. The dogs are coping better than me with the heat but today we're all happy.
We've booked into our special destination for Christmas, so at least we won't be spending that on the side of the road!
I hope you're all happy and excited and organised in the lead up to Christmas.
I'll try and take more pictures, promise. xxx

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I found my mojo at Lake Navarino

Halle auditions for Survivor by trying to start a fire
Too adorable for words
What do you mean there are no mattresses and doonas on Survivor?
Elsa in her element
We did some bush camping at Lake Navarino and I could have stayed there indefinitely. It was private, shaded and lovely to swim in. A nice contrast to the coast. 
Ducks would wander up from the lake and forage about the campsite. Australian 'Twenty-eight' Ringneck parrots dropped gumnuts on top of Elsa and Rusty (my ute) with loud accuracy. The camp caretaker was a loveable Kiwi who I chatted to for hours. 
I got inspired. I wrote. It was a turning point in our trip.