Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When blogger sucks

I've been trying so hard to upload photos and posts to blogger this past week and it won't let me!
Completely frustrating and thumbs down to you Blogger. Get your act together!
We are in gorgeous Kalbarri at the moment, but I can't show you just how lovely it is, boo.
It was with huge relief that we arrived here after enduring 5 days of 40+ degree Celcius temperatures with no adequate shade and only low growing shrub. Now we are on a site with huge tropical trees that create a cave of shade for my little van and car and most importantly, the pooches.
We are across the road from the Murchison River which is lovely and calm and warm to swim in.
We are nearing our halfway point in time and distance which feels a bit surreal but also like a huge achievement. I've towed Elsa 9,000km peeps! Not bad for a first timer .
Hopefully (are you listening Blogger?) I'll be able to post to you over Christmas at our halfway destination.


  1. Just wanted to let you know I have been reading every single one of your posts but because I usually read them on the iPad last thing at night, it's difficult to comment. But I just thought I'd get on the computer now to let you know I'm following your adventures, and enjoying your blog posts and photos and I want to wish you a very merry Christmas, wherever you may be, and hope that 2014 brings even more adventures, breakthroughs, joy and happiness xoxo

  2. Thank you so much Jodi:) You've been such an inspiration to me this year. Your determination and creative talent has me in awe. I hope 2014 brings you even more success.
