Monday, November 25, 2013

Close encounter

Eye to eye with a wild dolphin
Synchronised swimming

I had the most incredible encounter with wild dolphins this week. No, we're not in Monkey Mia, we were in Bunbury south of Perth at the Dolphin Discovery Centre. The difference is, these wild dolphins come to interact with people by choice. They're not enticed by food (as with Monkey Mia). These dolphins are incredibly curious and love to interact with people.
It really took my breath away. Four wild bottlenose dolphins swam up and down a line of about 15 spectators, and seemed to respond more to people with cameras as if to say, "Did you get my good side? How about if I do this?"
I was spellbound for more than an hour in water up to my hips just watching them. I can't recommend this experience enough and it really is affordable. You pay $10 for three visits and can use any remaining visits a month, two months, three years down the track.
This is as close as you'll ever get to wild dolphins and the experience will stay with you forever.

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