Sunday, October 13, 2013

Morning light

Two mornings at a beautiful 'top secret' location on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. It was a free campsite passed along to me by word-of-mouth and it was paradise. Spotted dolphins on the first morning and we had the beach to ourselves the whole time we were there.


  1. Oh my gosh, sounds idyllic! And these pics are gorgeous :) Btw, I've put aside postcards for you...just email me when you have an address! ;)

  2. Thanks for the postcards Jodi:)
    I'll pass on all my favourite locations to you whenever you want them.
    Funnily, they've all been via word of mouth so far: a dolphin spotting paradise (above), an amazing beachside community and my latest, a 440,000 acre former sheep station (will post more on that later).

  3. that's what its all about .... the travelling community passing on all the good info to each other!!
